
It all began with an iPhone...

Tal com diu l'amic Oriol en passar-me aquest acudit, avui dia 8 de març no és el millor dia per a publicar-lo... Doncs el publicarem a data de l'endemà...

(sols té gràcia en anglès)

It all began with an iPhone...

March was when my son celebrated his 15th birthday, and I got him an iPhone.

He just loved it. Who wouldn't?

I celebrated my birthday in July, and my wife made me very happy when

she bought me an iPad.

My daughter's birthday was in August so I got her an iPod Touch.

My wife celebrated her birthday in September so I got her an iRon.

I should be out of the hospital by Monday.

D'això se'n diu fer una planxa!
Es que es de ser iNútiles, eh!!!
I una mica iDiota també...

Per cert, per pronunciar correctament Iron, no oblideu que en vam parlar fa uns dies:
Ironman, l'home de ferro (o l'home de la planxa)

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